Does Dollar Tree Hold the First Check?

Dollar Tree, a popular discount chain, draws many job-seekers with its simple retail opportunities. One of the most frequently asked questions by new and potential employees is whether the business keeps the first paycheck in reserve.

This policy will help employees with managing their expectations regarding finances when they start a new job.

Dollar Tree’s Payroll Policy

Dollar Tree’s basic pay policy, as well as other retail chains, pays employees biweekly.

However, the exact procedure for when that first check will be scheduled to be paid will depend on local laws and corporate policies regarding administration.

Reasons for Holding the First Check

  1. Processing time: A business might delay its first check because of the time required to enroll an employee’s new position in the payroll system. This could include confirming personal details, creating tax withholdings, and other administrative tasks.
  2. Pay Cycle Lag Certain companies have a pay cycle one or two weeks ahead of the current working period. This means that work completed during the first two weeks of employment is handled in the following pay cycle.

Direct Employee Experiences

Anecdotal information from former and current Dollar Tree employees suggests that the tradition of distributing the first paycheck isn’t widespread.

Some have reported that they received their first paycheck without delay, depending on their starting date in relation to the payment cycle.

How to Verify Dollar Tree’s Policy

  1. The Employee Handbook: The most reliable source of specific payroll information is the Dollar Tree employee handbook. The handbook outlines the essential guidelines for employment, including payroll.
  2. Human Resources: Contacting Dollar Tree’s HR department can help clarify how the first paycheck will be processed. This is a good idea for prospective employees in the process of hiring.
  3. Ask Current employees: Talking to current employees may provide insights into how the payroll process is carried out at specific locations.


Dollar Tree could or might not be able to hold the first paycheck according to various factors, including the date of start and the local laws regarding employment.

Current and prospective employees must review the employee handbook and HR department for the most current details. Knowing this information upfront will assist in better financial planning for new employees.

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